Philips SpeechLive - NEW Speech to Text Package (STT)
SpeechLive already offers a number of options to users who need to convert their speech into a text document. The most recent Philips SpeechLive update introduces a STT (Speech-to-Text) flat rate package for users who prefer to make use of the SpeechLive Speech Recognition options on the app or within the web browser at their desktop. (STT available from 31/05/2021)
No more counting minutes
Previously, users would have required to top up Speech Recognition on their account in order to make use of the service. No longer - STT is a flat rate package that means that you no longer need to keep an eye on the minutes available in your SpeechLive account.
Ready to use immediately
Once a STT package has been purchased, all Speech Recognition features will be included with no configuration required.
Stay mobile
Using the new SpeechLive App for iOS and Android users are able to convert speech into text in real time or from a recorded audio file.
Speech-to-text everywhere, dictate into other apps
Introducing the new SpeechLive desktop app. The SpeechLive desktop app allows users to dictate into other apps on your PC without any additional costs. For example, you could use the SpeechLive app to create a letter or a report in real time.
21 languages supported
STT is already available in 21 languages with more on the way!
Flexibility through voice commands
Voice commands enable users to easily insert paragraphs, punctuation and characters via voice - e.g. colon, new line, new paragraph etc.
Already using SpeechLive? Call Speak-IT today on 0121 456 7800 to enquire about the new flat-rate STT package available in SpeechLive.
Not yet using SpeechLive or exploring alternatives to your current solution? Why not take a free 30 day trial of the #1 cloud-based dictation solution. Request a trial online here or give us a call on 0121 456 7800 to learn more.
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